Moscow, Shmitovskii proezd, 12; +7 (495) 221-22-43

Apartment Redevelopment Design


Current information on the cost of redevelopment projects for 2024:The cost of any project (for apartments) starts from 30,000 roubles, the cost of a technical report starts from 30,000 roubles. And if you need both a project and a technical report, simultaneously, the cost of this two documents will also be 30,000 roubles, since the amount of work for us will be the same for all three cases.

Apartment Redevelopment Design is required to get the redevelopment registered in the Technical Inventory Bureau (BTI). A design plan shows alterations in the layout of the residential premises capturing the positions of walls and partitions on the plan BEFORE construction works and AFTER construction works and is developed by an organization that has design and planning licenses. When the redevelopment design is ready, it is submitted to MOSGORBTI (Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory) for the registration of alterations.

The cost of the design plan:

  • A redevelopment design of an apartment (up to 50 sq.m.) – 30,000 RUB.
  • A redevelopment design of an apartment (from 50 to 100 sq.m.) – 35,000 RUB.
  • A technical report on the state of the building structures and the feasibility of redevelopment, an apartment (up to 50 sq.m.) – 30,000 RUB.
  • A technical report on the state of the building structures and the feasibility of redevelopment, an apartment (from 50 to 100 sq.m.) – 35,000 RUB.
  • Thermotechnical calculations for the redevelopment project involving removal of the windowsill block (uniting the balcony with the apartment) – 25,000 RUB.

Design development period  - 10 working days. Let us know if you need a finished design plan within a shorter period of time. We will do our best to develop a design plan faster. Sometimes we can do it, especially when our specialists are not very busy with work.

A redevelopment design plan of an apartment is required in the following cases:

  1. Installation of new partitions and walls without an increased load on the floors and ceilings
  2. Complete demolition of non-load-bearing partitions and walls
  3. Partial demolition of non-load-bearing partitions and walls
  4. Arranging and backfilling the openings in the non-load-bearing partitions and walls
  5. Rearrangement of sanitary equipment within the existing dimensions of bathrooms, WC, kitchens (so-called “wet room zones”)

In some cases, in addition to or instead of a redevelopment design plan, to get approval it is necessary to develop other design documentation:

  • A design plan of flooring and waterproofing of an apartment
  • A design plan of uniting loggias (balconies) with indoor premises

To determine the possibility of apartment redevelopment, as well as admissibility and safety of the previous redevelopment, we will conduct a survey of the building structures and issue the following documents:

  • a technical report on the possibility of redevelopment
  • a technical report on the admissibility and safety of the redevelopment performed

If necessary, we will develop specific design documentation sections as part of the redevelopment design plan of an apartment:

  • a design plan of electricity supply of an apartment
  • a design plan of water supply and disposal of an apartment
  • a design plan of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning of an apartment
  • a design plan of low-current systems of an apartment

Features of remote development and submission of a project for approval:

The technical conclusion and redevelopment project for approval can be submitted to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate electronically through your personal account on the website. Currently, it is not possible to submit a redevelopment project and a technical report in paper form to the MFC (multifunctional centers) or to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate directly. These documents are now accepted only in electronic form through the electronic government service on the website. This has greatly simplified the process of approving redevelopment, since owners no longer need to travel anywhere and all approvals can be obtained without leaving their home. Keeping up with the times, the APBP design organization can also prepare a redevelopment project and a technical report remotely - electronically in PDF format. The project file will be signed with an electronic digital signature and sent to the customer by email. You don't even need to come to our office. Payment is made through Sberbank, and you can ask all questions by phone, via instant messengers or send us an email. Please note - in the upper right corner of the page there are links to our WhatsApp and Telegram. Our managers will answer all your questions and advise you in detail. Together with the finished redevelopment project and technical report, we will send you simple and understandable instructions on how to independently arrange a redevelopment approval service on the website and easily download all the files. We receive all the necessary documents for preparing a redevelopment project and a technical report from customers in electronic form (scans of documents, photos, etc.). If necessary, we go to the site for a visual inspection or measurements. If for some reason you receive a refusal to approve the redevelopment (and this happens), we, together with you, will study the problem and determine ways to solve it. If necessary, we will make all necessary amendments to the project documentation free of charge. We work with clients until they receive a positive result. If necessary, the project can be released urgently.


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