Moscow, Shmitovskii proezd, 12; +7 (495) 221-22-43

Architectural Planning and Design of Buildings

The architectural planning and design of a building is the earliest, most creative and most important stage of engineering design works, when all key decisions are taken determining the size, layout and appearance of a building.

Architectural planning and design is the creation of a unique architectural project which is to fulfill its main function most reliably and efficiently, fitting harmoniously into the surrounding neighborhood (or natural landscape) and becoming part of the urban realm.

Ideally, the designed building must become a piece of architecture or a vital artistic expression in the language of architecture, transparent not only to initiates and architects, but also to the citizens. Architecture is the language (and music) of the buildings that surround us – they create our world, our environment – the modern city. An architectural masterpiece demands long reflecting and deep thinking, drafting and planning, which result in a new building. The design and planning process starts with an idea or a concept taken in the context – a certain territory, landscape, cultural and historical facts. We call this stage a conceptual design of a building or a concept. Later on, in the course of work on the building drafts, the concept takes shape reflecting the building functionality. Then, the shape of the building is worked on structurally (as a framework or a system) and physically – in the form of a shell structure. Finally, the shape of the future building is studied in terms of light, sound and space layout. In the process of building planning, the architect goes through several stages of understanding the building. At first, he interprets the context – the territory, city, and environment. Then, he comes to the realization of the very building in terms of its main idea, functions, materials and structures. The next level of understanding the building is when the architect sees it as a set of interrelated rooms and spaces providing navigation for the people inside the building in the course of its operation.

The APBP Architectural Bureau develops simple and elegant modern architectural concepts which improve urban landscape and save investors money.

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